Update: Navy SEALS Respond After Media Matters Calls Them “Gutless”
The median income of the first Obama term for the middle class has declined 8% and gasoline prices have doubled while heating oil has increased 50%. Electricity prices have increased 7%, in places, more. With talk of a carbon tax and/or cap-and-trade in the Obama second term, the costs for gasoline is likely o increase another $3. For a two car family that drives 20,000 miles per year, that will mean additional cost of $3000/year on top of the $2 from the last four years. Add to that heating homes in winter will increases another 50% and if the UK is an example, electricity prices as Obama promised would necessarily skyrocket (carbon taxes in the UK are threatening to double electricity costs). All of the health care taxes and costs will kick in (mu provider already announced a 22% increase).
If all of that wasn’t enough, Bill Clinton’s mentor, Dick Morris sees another threat from Obama’s friends at the UN who want to impose a global tax on all citizens in all nations to support its radical agenda - of sustainability and wealth redistribution..
Obama’s Second Term Plan: Let The U.N. Tax Americans
It should come as no surprise that President Obama will raise taxes if he is re-elected. But here’s the shocker: He will invite the United Nations to tax Americans directly. And the proceeds would go directly to the Third World. In this way, Barack Hussein Obama will, indeed, realize the dreams of his father.
In our new book, Here Come the Black Helicopters: UN Global Governance and the Loss of Freedom, Eileen and I describe how there is now pending in the U.N. all kinds of plans to tax Americans and redistribute their wealth - not to other Americans - but to other countries. These taxes will not be like our U.N. dues paid by a vote of our Congress. Nor akin to foreign aid which we choose to give. They would be mandatory levies imposed by treaty on American citizens. And, since they would be enumerated in a Treaty—not an act of Congress—only the president and the Democratic Senate need be on board. The Republican House has no role in the Treaty-making process.
(Of course, we do not believe that actual black UN helicopters will land in our midst to take over our country. But we use the symbolism to warn that the liberal, bureaucratic elites in the UN, enabled by Obama and Hillary, mean to create global governance to override American self-rule and independence).
Here is what we say in Black Helicopters that Obama, Hillary, and the UN are planning for us:
A “Robin Hood” tax on financial transactions. Every time you buy or sell a stock or a bond or exchange money while traveling, you’d be hit with a financial transactions tax (a percentage of your transaction) that would go to the UN.
A global tobacco tax with the funds to flow to the World Health Organization (WHO).
A UN-imposed tax on billionaires all over the world. And don’t delude yourself for a moment that it is only the 1600 current billionaires who will be hit. Once the precedent of a UN tax on US citizens is approved, it will gradually grow downwards to cover more and more Americans. Again the funds will go to the UN.
Under the Law of the Sea Treaty - up for Senate ratification in December of the lame duck session - offshore oil and gas wells would have to pay a proportion of their revenues to the International Seabed Authority, a UN-sponsored organization, which would distribute the loot to the third world.
A carbon tax on all U.S. or other foreign commercial or passenger aircraft flying to Europe. Nominally to fight climate change, these revenues would also go to the third world.
A mandatory assessment to be imposed on the U.S. to compensate third world nations for the costs of reducing their carbon output.
These taxes are, of course, only the first steps. Once the principle is established of UN taxation of American citizens, the sky is the limit.
Is there any organization less worthy of our trust to spend our money wisely than the United Nations? Beset by almost constant scandal, bereft of any in-house oversight or even audit, the UN is one of the most corrupt of all international organizations. In Black Helicopters, we document how pervasive this corruption really is.
And where would the money go? To so-called less developed countries. The taxes are part of a global plan of redistribution of wealth from the Northern Hemisphere (US, Europe, Japan) to the Southern Hemisphere (Latin America, Africa, and South Asia).
But don’t think that this flow of wealth will reduce poverty. Foreign aid doesn’t work. We explain in Black Helicopters that it really just puts a pot of money on the table in third world countries that automatically goes to whoever controls the presidential palace. Coups, civil wars, revolutions, and all sorts of violence usually ensue as various factions, tribes, or ethnic groups try to get their hands on the money. Real reduction in poverty can come only through foreign direct investment and trade, not via massive exports of northern hemisphere wealth to countries controlled by corrupt oligarchs.
Even a victory in the election of 2012 may avert the threat of rampant globalism. Obama and his lame duck Senate will sign and try to ratify a broad range of global treaties to give away our sovereignty and expose us to UN taxation.
Here Come the Black Helicopters: UN Global Governance and the Loss of Freedom is a clarion warning call and a guide to saving our freedom while we still can!
We need to kick the UN out of the US and convert the complex into low income housing.
The national spotlight is about to be shined on charges that the Obama administration is using Environmental Protection Agency regulations to exact its political and not necessarily environmental agenda on America.
A Fox News report called “Behind Obama’s Green Agenda” will air Sunday evening at 8:00 p.m. Central, 9:00 Eastern, discussing charges by many in and out of government that the EPA has overstepped its bounds to become a strong arm for Obama’s political goals.
Sources at Fox News told WND that many are charging Obama’s “doctrine of sustainable development” means a lot more than just “going green” and recycling garbage, but rather means using regulatory schemes to fight racism, promote homosexuality, restrict growth and farming and achieve socioeconomic goals that have nothing to do with the environment.
The documentary will include views from several sources, including former EPA administrators, academics, Sen. David Vitter, R-La., and Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., author of “The Greatest Hoax: How the Global Warming Conspiracy Threatens Your Future.”
One of the Obama EPA’s most vocal critics, Inhofe contends power brokers in an ever-expanding federal government have been using the global-warming, climate-change issue in an effort to dramatically and hugely increase government regulation of American lives and businesses, necessarily raising the cost of living and taxes to achieve political ends.
“The Greatest Hoax” claims to reveal the reasons behind those perpetuating the global warming myth, who is benefiting from the general acceptance of it and why the premise behind man-made climate change is blatantly and categorically false.
Sources at Fox News tell WND Inhofe will be a major voice in the documentary and will discuss a range of issues, including the Keystone Pipeline and the behavior of EPA Regional Administrator Al Armendariz, who notoriously explained his “philosophy of enforcement” in regulating violators was to “crucify them.”
The administration in their campaign claims to be all about the middle class yet proposes if victorious to institute a carbon tax in a second term. This is estimated to increase the gasoline price by $3 to $7 the target set by energy secretary Chu in his first term. Obama plans to institute his green agenda, even though it has failed miserably in Europe with heavy investment in wind and solar.
Wind has been around since the 80s, the 1880s and solar the 90s, the 1890s. Had they been cost effective they would be a bigger part of the energy mix as President Carter pushed for. Still only 2% of our needs come from wind and solar. WHY?
They found out in Europe where they heavily subsidized both that both are undependable and extremely costly. The sun doesn’t always shine, the wind doesn’t always blow.
Energy costs skyrocketed, and companies shut down or relocated factories overseas. Spain lost 2.2 real jobs for every green job created and only 1 in 10 green jobs was permanent. Spain has an unemployment rate of 25.5% and they stopped the subsidies. Italy lost 3.4 jobs for every green job created
Denmark, the top wind country has the highest energy costs of any country in Europe.
Britain found wind was undependable delivering only 0.5% of their electricity needs during December 2010, the second coldest December since 1659 in the Little Ice Age. Over 25 of the population is in energy poverty in Wales, having to choose between and heating and eating. Prices are forecast to double again if the EU enviro agenda is followed.
Carbon taxes failed in Europe and Australia. They would drive gasoline prices up an additional $3 to $4 a gallon here in the US and increase home heating and cooling costs by up to 75%, It would be a very regressive tax, affecting the low and middle class the most. Already here in the US, medium income for the middle class has declined 8% (over $4000) in Obama’s first term and gasoline prices have doubled and heating oil increased over 50% (propane not far behind). For a two car family with mileage efficient cars, the costs of driving is up $2400 already. Are you ready for an additional $4800? And if you think NATGAS can save us, remember the EPA is ready to go after fracking.
The middle class has already been hit hard in the US with a decrease in median income of 8% in the Obama administration, a doubling of gasoline prices, large increases in energy prices and soon an increase in health care premiums. My insurance company has already warned us of an increase of 20-25% in 2013 with potentially less coverage if there is no change in the administration. There is talk behind the scenes in the democratic leadership and among some establishment republicans of some sort of carbon tax next year. They will claim it is only on energy companies and manufacturers, but of course that increased costs gets passed on to consumers and corporations and help spike prices for virtually all products and services. See how such a carbon tax in the UK is expected to double energy costs there.
George Osborne’s CO2 tax will double UK electricity bills
Theres a nasty shock in store for the British householder when a new ‘carbon’ tax comes into force.
By Christopher Booker
Fast approaching, if largely unnoticed, is yet another massive shock the Government has in store for us with its weirdly distorted energy policy. It is surprising to see what an abnormally high proportion of the electricity needed to keep our lights on has lately been coming from coal-fired power stations. Last Wednesday evening, for instance, this was over 50 per cent, with only 1.3 per cent coming from wind power. Yet by next March, we learn, five of our largest coal-fired plants, capable of supplying a fifth of our average power needs, are to be shut down, much earlier than expected, under an EU anti-pollution directive.
One reason why these plants are being hammered through their remaining quota of hours allowed by the EU is that a new UK tax comes into force next April, which aims to make fossil-fuel power significantly more expensive. In 2010, George Osborne announced his intention to impose, from April 2013, a “carbon floor price” of 16 pounds on every tonne of CO2 emitted by British industry, rising to 30 a tonne by 2020 and 70 a tonne by 2030.
An explicit purpose of this tax is to make the cost of electricity from fossil fuels so uncompetitive compared with “renewables” that it will, in the Treasury’s words, “drive 30‑40 billion pounds” of investment into “low carbon” sources such as wind and nuclear. On paper, the effect of Osborne’s new tax on our electricity bills looks devastating.
Using the latest figures from the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC), our power plants burnt 40 million tonnes of coal in 2011, emitting 116 million tonnes of CO2. They also generated 175,000 gigawatt hours from gas, at just over half a tonne of CO2 per gigawatt. At 16 a tonne, this CO2 would cost 3.5 billion - on top of our total current wholesale electricity cost of some 19 billion. Thus the new impost would represent nearly 20 per cent added to our electricity bills next year, and would almost double them by 2030.
Some of this, however, we already pay through the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS), which counts towards our 16 floor price.
Osborne’s calculation in 2010 was that, initially, we would have to chip in less than an additional 2 pounds per tonne to make up the 16 price. (The ETS price at that time was predicted to continue rising towards 40.) Since then, however, with falling demand due to the EU’s recession, the price of EU carbon permits has fallen dramatically. To reach the initial 16 level, the Treasury says we will now have to pay nearly another 5, making our electricity significantly more expensive. But since it made that guess the EU price has slipped still further, to well under 6, leaving a gap of 10 a tonne to be made up by Osborne’s tax, rapidly rising every year thereafter.
Thus, to meet that tax level in the years after 2013, we in Britain will have to pay electricity bills soaring to a level far higher than any others in Europe. All this is to promote the building of thousands more heavily subsidised windmills, which will in turn require us to build more gas-fired power stations to provide back-up for the constant fluctuations in wind speed. And these will be paying Mr Osborne’s fast-rising tax on all the CO2 they emit, with the bill to be picked up by the rest of us on a scale which, within 18 years, could alone almost double the cost of our electricity.
In short, the Treasury has made an incredibly damaging miscalculation. Even if there is little chance that our Energy and Climate Change Secretary, Ed Davey, could get his head round such lunacy, perhaps someone might lay out for Mr Osborne the bill that his delusional new tax is going to land us all with.